C/C++ headers, shared objects and fun


This time I will do something different. I will write something more meaningful that other times.

This has been my kind of aspiration for a long time. I first wished to do something like that back 10 years ago when I wrote app in Delphi that did some Assembler in them as well. Yeah… and C was area which I disliked. Because I was young and dumb.

But this time… it has changed.

I have 4 developments in github account. One is Python. One is Go. One is Java. And one is React(JavaScript). And I want them to talk with each other. Ultimately. All of them are either originated from C or I have plans to use sub-functions like Kubernetes, Terraform and Ansible to do the stuff for the ReactJS application ( website ). So. Lets get rocking. Lets list what I need:

  1. <> <-> Go
    1. https://medium.com/learning-the-go-programming-language/calling-go-functions-from-other-languages-4c7d8bcc69bf
    2. https://wordpress.com/post/linardsliepins.wordpress.com/433
  2. <> <-> Python
    1. https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratingPythonWithOtherLanguages#C.2FC.2B-.2B-_Binding_Generators
    2. http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/src/tutorial/cython_tutorial.html
  3. <> <-> Java
    1. https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/JavaNativeInterface.html
    2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36756863/generating-c-header-file-android
  4. <> <-> Go/Python/Ruby <- React <- Javascript
    1. TBD
    2. https://wordpress.com/post/linardsliepins.wordpress.com/433

Plans? I guess it isl ike this. Create C headers and SO for all repos. And make them essentially so that Go/Python/Ruby repo can be used to call any of 3 other repos.

About linardsliepins

Homo Sapiens
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1 Response to C/C++ headers, shared objects and fun

  1. New year, new updates queued!

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